About Me


Isabel is a Masters student and aspiring author who enjoys reading, writing and reviewing books. She is studying Paleoanthropology. She spends most of her free time either reading the newest romance, fantasy, and YA releases! She also enjoys baking sweet treats, dark chocolate, and watching documentaries.

You Can Find Me At:

Review Policy:

I do take review requests, though more likely than not, I will say no. Not because I'm not interested, but simply because I do not have the time. If you have questions, contact me through Facebook or Twitter (linked on the right). I read and review YA books, historical romance, and the occasional MG. I prefer books within the paranormal, fantasy, mythology, sci-fi, or dystopian. All books reviewed I either received for an honest review or I own. I do participate in blog tours, but I am trying to limit how many I do. If you are interested in an interview or guest post, let me know!



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