Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Top Ten Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and The Artsy Reader Girl.

1. Book Boxes Aren't Great - They're expensive and many readers can't actually afford them

2. Harry Potter Isn't That Great Either - The books have a ton unnecessary details and Harry is pretty annoying

3. The Harry Potter Movies Are Better Than the Books - I said what I said

4. The Ending of the Shadow and Bone Trilogy Was Bad - Alina should NOT have ended up with Mal

5. Conferences With a YA Focus Should Have Teen Passes - Cons are often too expensive for teens to attend at the regular price, thus eliminating the target audience

6. Authors and Publishers Need to Treat Bloggers (Especially Teens) With More Respect - The blogging community can help make or break a book, and some of us are aspiring authors and potential future coworkers

7. The Fact That Publishers Have Stopped Releasing YA Paranormal Romance is a Travesty

I think I've run out of opinions, so I'll leave it at that. Do you have any unpopular opinions?


  1. Yes, bloggers definitely should be treated with more respect. Reviewing and blogging are work!

    My TTT.

  2. I think conferences are often too expensive for many adult readers to attend. LOL!

  3. Some of these opinion aren't as unpopular as you think!
