Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Bookish Resolutions/Goals

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and The Artsy Reader Girl.

1. Read 100 books in 2018.

2. Review more of the books I read.

3. Somehow discover a reading/school balance when I go to college.

4. Once I go to college, buy only the books I REALLY want.

5. Go through my books and donate any I don't really want.

6. Catch up on my TBR. It's a *little* out of control.

I can't think of any more, so I'll leave it at that.


  1. Good luck with the balance goal. That is key. I hear you on the TBR...and I should listen to your #5 but the idea of letting go of any of my books even ones I know I won't finish/read seems impossible.

  2. Balance is important. I wish I had used more of my free time in college to do some more worthwhile things, like write. My TBR is ridiculous, too.
