I am crazy excited for this book! Ever since I heard about it, I've been intrigued and now the release date is only a week away! For the release of Side Effects May Vary, bloggers have been asked to share their own bucket lists! Below, you will find mine, along with all the info about the book!
Title: Side Effects May Vary
Author: Julie Murphy
Published: March 18, 2014
1. Become a published author.
Technically, I've been published since third grade with a short story I wrote called Bunny Stew, bad grammar aside, it's actually fairly decent for a story a paragraph long.
2. Write a book.
So, I have the first draft of one done. Does that count? *listens* What? Nope, it doesn't? Okay, I'll keep working on it.
3. Publish a full length novel.
Yeah, this one's going to be a while.
4. Read as many (or all) of the YA books section at my local library.
You should check them out. Durham County Library is the bestest ever!
5. Meet as many authors as humanly possible.
See pictures:
(Left-me, Right-Kim Harrison)
(Left-Megan Shepherd, Middle-Me, Right-Megan Miranda)
(Left-Robin Constantine, Right-Me)
(Left-Kasie West, Right-Me)
(Left-Sarah Addison Allen, Right-Me)
(Left-Sarah J Maas, Right-Me)
Meeting L. Diane Wolfe
(Left-Rachel Hawkins, Middle-Me, Right-Ally Carter)
6. Go to a book convention.
Okay, not there yet.
7. Travel across Europe/the world.
Places I want to go-London (all of England really), Ireland, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Athens, Spain, Moscow, Egypt (specifically, Cairo and Alexandria), go back to India (yes, I've been there, it's GORGEOUS), and probably a few more. All my pictures to prove I went to India are on a different computer, so I don't have any picture proof.
It's not too big, is it?
8. Go to as many concerts as possible.
Again, see pictures:
Demi Lovato
Little Mix
Fifth Harmony
Christina Grimme
Selena Gomez
Kelly Clarkson
Carrie Underwood
I don't have picture proof, but I've been to see Katy Perry too.
9. Road trip across the US.
Family may or may not be included in the package.
50 states? Easy peasy!
10. Read Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy!
What? You think I wouldn't include it?
What's on your bucket list?
Author Bio:

Julie Murphy lives in North Texas with her husband who loves her, her dog who adores her, and her cat who tolerates her. When she's not writing or trying to catch stray cats, she works at an academic library. Her debut contemporary young adult novel, Side Effects May Vary, is out from Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins on March 18, 2014. Julie’s follow-up novel, currently titled Dumplin’, is due out in 2015.
You Can Find Her At:
What if you’d been living your life as if you were dying—only to find out that you had your whole future ahead of you?
When sixteen-year-old Alice is diagnosed with leukemia, her prognosis is grim. To maximize the time she does have, she vows to spend her final months righting wrongs—however she sees fit. She convinces her friend Harvey, whom she knows has always had feelings for her, to help her with a crazy bucket list that’s as much about revenge (humiliating her ex-boyfriend and getting back at her arch nemesis) as it is about hope (doing something unexpectedly kind for a stranger and reliving some childhood memories). But just when Alice’s scores are settled, she goes into remission.
Now Alice is forced to face the consequences of all that she’s said and done, as well as her true feelings for Harvey. But has she done irreparable damage to the people around her, and to the one person who matters most?
Julie Murphy’s SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY is a fearless and moving tour de force about love, life, and facing your own mortality.
You Can Find it At:
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