Author: Sophie Jordan
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release: January 28, 2014
Series: Uninvited
Pages: 366
Review: 5 Stars
One often thinks that an author's second series can never outdo an author's first. That theory is DEAD wrong! Uninvited blew the Firelight trilogy out of the water! It was so good and so much fun. I read it in 24 hours tops, on a school day no less. Let me tell you, when this book comes out, drop everything and read it! It is so good and so amazing. It made me feel for the characters, I just wanted to slap so many of them silly! It shows prejudices in a new light, and almost feels like how Divergent might have started off before the Purity War.
“@Tween2TeenBooks: Wanna know how amazing Uninvited by @SoVerySophie is? It's SUPERCALLAFRAGALISTICEXPIALADOCIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!” LOL
— Sophie Jordan (@SoVerySophie) January 17, 2014
The main character is Davy Hamilton. She is so cool. She's a musical genius, who, when she is notified of being a Carrier of the 'kill gene' loses everything. Yet Davy, for the most part, takes it in stride. Things get continually worse for her, and she has to deal with it every day. There were two characters she had to deal with who made her life miserable more so than anyone else and I have to say, I wish more had been done/said about them, like, you know, they were killed or something. :) Davy meets Sean right off the bat and is scared to death of him. Why? He's a Carrier, like her, but already has the mark of someone who has committed violence. And yet somehow, the two of them end up caring and protecting each other. Depending on how the rest of the series goes, I could see a love triangle coming up, but at the moment, the second guy is too small of a character. Also, Davy has an older brother who is the bestest of best sibling/family character EVER! He cares about her so much and sees beyond the label she's been given.
The ending of this book. Holy bleep, the end of this book. The last fourth of the book or so was NOT what I was expecting. A huge turnaround that pushed the plot into a whole other universe! The book only takes place seven years in the future, but that suddenly made it feel truly dystopian. As far as the end end goes, I need more! See:
I need the sequel to Uninvited by @SoVerySophie RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! So good! *whimpers*
— Tween 2 Teen Books (@Tween2TeenBooks) January 18, 2014
So yes, when this book releases on January 28, read it! Read it until you're near tears and yelling in the middle of the night at characters that exist on the beautiful pages of the book in your hands. Read it so that your friends give you crazy looks and you feel like you can't read anything ever again. The plot was fast, the romance was hot, the book was tense, and most importantly, the love ran deep. Davy has been told that she doesn't need to be this bad person they've made her out to be, and now she's out to prove it. A complete and utter five star review!
Author Bio:

Sophie Jordan grew up in the Texas hill country where she wove fantasies of dragons, warriors, and princesses. A former high school English teacher, she's also the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Avon historical romances. She now lives in Houston with her family. When she's not writing, she spends her time overloading on caffeine (lattes and Diet cherry Coke preferred), talking plotlines with anyone who will listen (including her kids), and cramming her DVR with true-crime and reality-TV shows. Sophie also writes paranormal romances under the name Sharie Kohler.
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You can’t change your DNA…even when it says you’re a murderer.
When Davy tests positive for Homicidal Tendency Syndrome, aka “the kill gene,” she loses everything. Once the perfect high school senior, she is uninvited from her prep school and abandoned by her friends and boyfriend. Even her parents are now afraid of her—although she’s never hurt a fly. Davy doesn’t feel any differently, but genes don’t lie. One day she will kill someone.
Without any say in the matter, Davy is thrown into a special class for HTS carriers. She has no doubt the predictions are right about them, especially Sean, who already bears the “H” tattoo as proof of his violence. Yet when the world turns on the carriers, Sean is the only one she can trust. Maybe he’s not as dangerous as he seems. Or maybe Davy is just as deadly.
You Can Find it At:
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